2019 An American Story, Finding Home in Fairfield County, Greenwich Historical Society, CT

2018 An American Story, Finding Home in Fairfield County, Fairfield Museum & History Center, CT



WOMEN BY WOMEN, SE Center for Photography, Greenville, SC (Juror Elinor Carucci)


DOG DAYS OF SUMMER, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA (Curated by Jan Potts)

PHOTOGRAPHY & SCULPTURE SHOW 2024, Rowayton Arts Center, CT (Juror Andrew Moore)

14th ANNUAL PHOTOBOOK EXHIBITION, Griffin Museum of Photography, MA (Jurors Crista Dix & Karen Davis)


WOMEN IN STREET/SG GLOBAL STREET PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT, Objectifs Centre of Photography and Film, Singapore (Jurors Julia Coddington, Marie Dailey & Karlynne Wintels)

WINTER 2024 SHOW, The Curated Fridge, Somerville, MA (Juror Jessica Burko)


21st JULIA MARGARET CAMERON AWARD, Honorable Mention, Children Category, FotoNostrom, Barcelona (Juror Jules Hirsch-Hardy)

HALF THE SKY: Street Photography from Women, Ephemere Gallery, Tokyo (Juror Marci Lindsay)

INTERLINES, LIFELINES, REDLINES: Social Markers of Race, Class & Economics, Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts, Providence, RI (Juror Eric Kunsman)

STORYTELLING 2023: Documentary and Street Photography, Atlanta Photography Group, GA (Juror Alyssa Coppelman)

WORDS MATTER, Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts, Providence, RI (Jurors Dr. John Famino, Gershon Stark and David DeMelim)

Spring 2023 Show, The Curated Fridge, Somerville, MA (Jurors Darren Ching and Debra Klomp Ching)

Camera Works 2023, Ridgefield guild of Artists, CT (Juror Paula Tognarelli)

43rd Annual Photography Show, New Canaan Society for the Arts, CT (Juror Christina Zanetti)


2022 MIAMI STREET PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL, HistoryMIami Museum (Jurors Michael McCoy, Valerie Six, Lisa Bukreyeva, Margarita Mavromichalis and Oscar Palonmares)

2022 Winter Solstice Member’s Show, Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA

Summer 2022 Show, The Curated Fridge, Somerville, MA (Juror Aline Smithson)

NEWPORT BIENNIAL 2022, Newport Art Museum, RI (Juror Dr. Kimberli Gant)

42nd Annual Photography Show, New Canaan Society for the Arts, CT (Juror Platon)


Women Street Photographers 2nd Virtual Exhibition (Juror Gulnara Samoilova)

44th Annual Juried Show, Ridgefield Guild of Artists, CT (Juror George Billis)

Critic’s Choice Online Gallery, Griffin Museum of Photography 27th Juried Exhibition (Juror Paula Tognarelli)

WHEN IN ATHENS, Public Spaces in Athens, GA (Jurors Irina Rozovsky and Mark Steinmetz)

PRIMARY COLORS, New York Center for Photographic Arts, NY, NY (Juror Ann Jastrab)


2020 International Juried Exhibition Online Gallery, Center for Photographic Arts, Carmel, CA (Juror Aline Smithson)

Sixth Annual Group Show, Davis Orton Gallery, Hudson, NY (Juror Paula Tognarelli)

Griffin Museum of Photography’s 26th Juried Exhibition (Juror Alexa Dilworth)

2020 Self-Quarantining Exhibition, Lenscratch (Juror Aline Smithson)

14th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Honorable Mention, Self Portrait Category, Gallery FotoNostrom, Barcelona (Jurors Elizabeth Avedon, Rebecca Robertson and Analy Werbin)

40th Annual Photography Show, New Canaan Society for the Arts, CT (Juror Stephen Wilkes)

The YOUR FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPH OF 2019 Exhibition, Lenscratch (Juror Aline Smithson)


2019 MIAMI STREET PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL, HistoryMiami Museum (Jurors Susan Pektas, Vineet Vohra, Elisa Tomaselli, Gabi Ben Avraham and Damian Chrobak)

SLOW EXPOSURES 2019, Stricklands, Concord, GA and Cochran Gallery, LaGrange, GA (Jurors Alyssa Coppelman and Gordon Settinius)

Fifth Annual Group Show, Davis Orton Gallery, Hudson, NY (Juror Paula Tognarelli)

WATER, PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT (Juror Elizabeth Avedon)

13th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Honorable Mention, Children Category (Juror Elizabeth Biondi), Barcelona

The 2019 PHOTOGRAPHS IN CONVERSATION Exhibition, Lenscratch (Juror Aline Smithson)

IMAGES 2019, Shoreline Arts Alliance, Guilford, CT (Jurors David DeMelim, Mary Frey, James Welling)

CAMERAWORKS 2019, Ridgefield Guild of Artists, CT (Juror Joe McNally)

5th Annual STREET SHOOTING AROUND THE WORLD, Los Angeles Center of Photography (Juror Nick Turpin)


Don’t Take Pictures, Photo of the Day (selected by Kat Kiernan)

SUMMER, NYC4PA, Online Exhibit, Third Place (Juror Ann Jastrab)

INTERIORS,  A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX , Honorable Mention (Juror Elizabeth Avedon)

SLOW EXPOSURES 2018, Stricklands, Concord GA and Cochran Gallery, LaGrange, GA (Jurors Alexa Dilworth and Aline Smithson) 

Fourth Annual Group Show, Davis Orton Gallery, Hudson, NY (Juror Paula Tognarelli)

STREET, A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX (Juror Harvey Stein)

MEMORY OF PLACE, The SE Center for Photography, Greenville, SC (Juror Susan Spiritus)

MOMENTS OF COLOR, Blank Wall Gallery, Athens, Greece (Juror Maria Toutoudaki)

IMAGES 2018,  Shoreline Arts Alliance, Guilford, CT (Jurors Paula Tognarelli, Charles Hagen, Paul Goodwin)

CAPTURING THE LIGHT,  Photo Place Gallery, Middlebury, VT (Juror Laura Moya)

38th Annual Photography Show, New Canaan Society for the Arts, CT (Jurors Allison Brant and Carl Fuldner)

THE DECISIVE MOMENT, Photo Place Gallery, Middlebury, VT (Juror Sam Abell)

FRAMED: LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY, Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR ( Juror Ashlyn Davis)

Winter Solstice Member’s Show, Griffin Museum, Winchester, MA

PORTRAIT: Within Time + Space, South x Southeast Gallery, Molena, GA (Juror Elizabeth Avedon)

PHOTO SHOOT: 2017, Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR (Juror Todd Johnson)

37th Annual FABER BIRREN National Color Award Show, Stamford, CT (Juror Devon Zimmerman)

GLASS, Jadite Gallery, New York, NY, Jurors Selection, Honorable Mention (Juror Traer Scott)

SLOW EXPOSURES 2017, Stricklands, Concord, GA and Cochran Gallery, LaGrange, GA (Jurors Arnika Dawkins, John Wall)

IMAGES 2017, Shoreline Arts Alliance, Guilford, CT, Honorable Mention (Jurors Martin Axon, Joseph Jurson, Sasha Rudensky)


THE JOURNEY: Photographs Along the Way, Morean Arts Center, St. Petersburg, FL, Best in Show (Juror Sam Abell)

37th Annual Photography Show, New Canaan Society for the Arts, CT (Juror Laurie Kratochvil)

BERLIN FOTO BIENNALE 2016, 8th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Finalist People (Jurors Dr. Analy Werbin, Julio Hirsch-Hardy, Victoria Werbin)

36th Annual FABER BIRREN National Color Award Show, Stamford, CT (Juror Michele Wijegoonaratna)

IMAGES 2016, Fairfield Museum, Fairfield, CT (Jurors Philip Trager, Pablo Delano, Suzanne Chamlin)

IMAGES 2016, Shoreline Arts Alliance, Guilford, CT (Jurors Robert Calafiore, Frances Jakubek, Paul Stezner)

PRIMARILY COLOR, Atlantic Gallery, New York, NY

PHOTOcentric 2015, Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY, Second Place, People ( Juror Julie Saul)

35th Annual FABER BIRREN National Color Award Show, Stamford, CT (Juror Anna M. Swinbourne)

35th Annual Photography Show 2015, New Canaan Society for the Arts, CT (Juror Robert Gurbo)

SMALL WONDERS, Atlantic Gallery, New York, NY

THE DECISIVE MOMENT, New York University, Kimmel Center for University Life,  New York, NY (10 person group show)

PHOTOcentric 2014, Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY (Juror Marvin Heiferman)

INTERIOR LIVES, National Arts Club, New York, NY (Juror Dr. Stanley Burns)

IMAGES 2014, Shoreline Arts Alliance, Guilford, CT (Jurors Martin Axon, William Meyers, Steve Smith)

IMAGES 2013, Shoreline Arts Alliance, Guilford, CT, First Honors Award ( Jurors Martin Axon, Joshua Chuang, Mary Ann Lynch)

IMAGES 2010, Fairfield Museum , Fairfield CT (Jurors Stephen Wilkes, Carl T. Burton, Celeste Holt Walters, Howard Bernstein)



Route 1, 2024, Mongrel Dog Press

Reaching out from the inside, 2024, Handmade book

Shoreline, 2023, Handmade book

Heartstrings: Photographs of the Mississippi Delta, 2020, self-published

The South End, 2019, self-published

Every Piece of the Puzzle Falls into Place, 2016, self-published

Lenscratch, Caren Winnall: Route 1, June 8, 2024, Aline Smithson

F-STOP Magazine, Book Review: Route 1 by Caren Winnall, May 31st, 2024 by Cary Benbow

Half the Sky: Street Photography from Women, November 2023, Everything Is Ephemere

Shadow & Light Magazine, Color it Red Special Issue, Single Image Showcase, July 2023, Interview, May 29, 2023

aPhotoEditor — The Best Work I Saw at Photolucida Part 2 by Jonathan Blaustein 7/12/19

FRACTION Magazine 11th Anniversary Edition (Juror David Bram), 2019


Honorable Mention, Reflections Category, Paris International Street Photography Awards, 2024

Honorable Mention, Children Category, 21st Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Barcelona

Honorable Mention, Primary Colors, New York Center for Photographic Arts, NYC

Honorable Mention, Self Portrait Category, 14th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Barcelona

Honorable Mention, Children Category, 13th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Barcelona

Third Place, Summer, NYC4PA, Online Exhibit

Honorable Mention, INTERIORS, A Smith Gallery, TX

Honorable Mention, IMAGES 2017, Shoreline Arts Alliance, CT

Best in Show, THE JOURNEY, Morean Arts Center, FL

Finalist, People Category,  8th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Berlin

Second Place, People Category, PHOTOcentric 2015, Garrison Art Center, NY

First Honors Award, IMAGES 2013, Shoreline Arts Alliance, CT